Have questions about booking with us? We've got you covered! Below are answers to some of the most common inquiries we receive. If you don't find what you are looking for, feel free to reach out to friendly team for personalized answers.
Why should I book with you instead of through an online booking site?
With LuxLav Travel you get an exceptional assistant before and after your trip. We have partnerships, and personal connections with many different agencies to provide great, budget friendly services, hassle free.
Do I have to pay upfront for my vacation?
Agency planning fees will be due upfront before you receive a proposal. But there may be a deposit requirement which is set by the suppliers when booking your tip.
Is there a planning fee?
  • There is a non-refundable flat fee of 50.00 per trip/per occasion for parties of 1-4.

  • There is a non-refundable flat fee of 100.00 per trip/per occasion for parties of 5-8.

  • There is a non-refundable flat fee of 150.00 per trip/per occasion for parties of 9-12.

  • There is a non-refundable flat fee of 300.00 per trip/per occasion for parties of 13 or more.

  • If Luxlav LLC is planning travel documents there is an additional non-refundable $30.00 charge per person.

  • Theses charges are due at the end of 30 minute phone consultation. Proposal will not be started until all fees are paid. The deposit entitles you a maximum of 2 proposals in no more than 1 destination and is valid for 14 days. By paying the $50.00 deposit, you acknowledge acceptance of these terms. Any additional proposals withing the 14 days are $5.00 after 14 day expires a new booking in required.

Please View our Terms and Conditions

How long does it take to receive personalized gifts?

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How do I book a Consultation?

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What if I need to Cancel, or Change my trip reservation?
If you change or cancel a reservation or booking, after the proposal approval of the lead traveler stage you may be subject to: Agency fees of USD 50.0 Per Trip, Per Person. ; AND Supplier fees, charges, or penalties. NO REFUNDS will apply to any cancelled, unused, or partially used Travel Service. Hotels may not permit changes to or cancellation Please view our Terms and Conditions
Can I split my payments with another person on the trip?
Yes! You may pay with multiple cards and split payments.
What important information should I have before booking with you?
Ideally, you should have a budget and fill it out in the form so we can put the most realistic package together for you.